There's an official connector?
Yes there is bud.... Around £60 but if you already subscribe to sky movies, you may find its free of charge, but as you don't have sky's broadband, then you may not get that offer.
sky are about about to launch there fibre optic broadband service any day now
40 meg speeds only.
I had Sky fibre optic installed last week in Southampton.
Currently still only getting 23ish meg wirelessly, but that might be 'cos the Sky router isn't up to much. I haven't plugged a laptop in yet to see if that is any quicker.
I use a mains adapter to get BB up to my study, two floors up, and to get wi-fi further up the house as the Sky router loses about 10 meg of speed on each floor. Pre fibre optic my router was upstairs in the study with the mains /wi-fi adapter supplying (slow) broadband to the Sky box for Anytime +. So they do work, with the added benifit that you have a second wireless network if you use that type.
