It's no wonder they are going out of business, I despair at the levels of incompetence.
Frankly they deserve to go under and the militant workforce will have to find something else to do.
Two issues -
1) I'm waiting for an item from Germany, posted on the 17th April and handed over to the Royal Mail on the 18th April. I still don't have it, i's only in Germany FFS I could have walked there and got it myself in this time. Deutsche Post handed it over and now nobody has any record of where it is. I phoned RM last week only to be told by a stupid woman that if I'd not received my item by this time next month I should call them back and they'll look into it.
Phoned again today, still not interested and still no idea where my parcel is. So still I'm none the wiser and still I don't have my parcel.
2) I sent a relatively small parcel to someone in Liverpool yesterday via Special Delivery before 1pm at the not insignificant cost of £22.70. It didn't arrive today so when I phoned to enquire I had to battle through 4 minutes 45 seconds of drivel from a lifeless answer machine telling me exactly the same as it says on the website, and then telling me I should check the website before calling, before actually getting through to a human who told me, yep you've guessed it - Exactly the same as the website and answer machine.
Your item with reference ZXxxx922xxxx is currently progressing through our network. Your item is currently progressing through our network for delivery.
Clearly it fcuking isn't otherwise it would have been delivered as agreed before 1pm. These cnuts really make my sh1t itch.

They seem to think that putting the prices up will cover the costs of their blatant incompetence and fulfil their greed - I shudder when someone tells me either Royal Mail or Parcel Farce are involved in a delivery to me.
I feel better now - Thanks for listening.