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Author Topic: RNS510 & Can way ??  (Read 916 times)

Offline Grande_GTi

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RNS510 & Can way ??
« on: April 27, 2012, 10:07:25 am »
Hi there everyone

Ive just recently picked up a mk5 gti, and must say absolutly love the drive so far but the stereo is really boring to look at and plus Ive had my head set on getting a RNS510 for my self before Id even bought the car

So the question Im asking is what do I require to fit a RNS510?

The car is a 2005 Golf GTi

Also if you know someone or you can help supply one with the can/gateway please let me know

Many thanks

« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 10:21:48 am by Grande_GTi »

instgram @ricky_grande

check out @lowlife_official


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Re: RNS510 & Can way ??
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 10:40:14 am »
Have a word with Eddie_nl,  :happy2:
VCDS - Adaptations * Coding * Diagnostics PM Me
Canbus Gateway - Supply and fit (Stop battery drain issues)

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Re: RNS510 & Can way ??
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 11:53:27 am »
You don't require anything to fit it as it is a straight swap so you will just need the RNS and the GPS

However as you have a 2005 car you will need to replace the Can-Gateway for an L version or higher so that you don't suffer with Battery Drain if the RNS has 26XX firmware or higher. You will need 268X firmware or higher and V7 or higher maps to have 7 Digit postcode search.

As said speak to Eddie_NL and he will be able to provide you with a Gateway :happy2:


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Re: RNS510 & Can way ??
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 01:07:38 pm »
You need the unit itself and the antenna. Fitting it is very simple. But as mentioned you will need to change the canbus to a newer one to avoid battery drain problem.


run a custom firmware on the unit and with v8 maps and this will avoid battery drain issue. I've done mine this way and I can't complain with it.

However I plan on upgrading my gateway as I'm updating to highline clusters so I can see navigation on clusters.

If you plan on going all the way and doing a cluster upgrade in future then Give Eddie_nl a shout. He can provide and code gateways for you.