Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?
Yes it's map related. Tho I think they're a bad idea. A professional car thief is just going to come back into your house and threaten you or a member of your family until they you tell them how it works.
If they want to take it they will. I'd rather be out of harm's way and either recover the car later with a tracker or get my insurance to pay out. After all, that's what insurance is for and a car (as much as we love them) is completely replaceable. A person is not.
I take it you don't lock your car then and you just leave it open with the keys in it? A professional car thief would remove the car without needing to get into your house. If they did happen to have come in to get the keys, by the time they had gone outisde, realised they can't start the car and then come back the police would have been called. Plus they can't get into my house if they are trying to nick it from Morrisons car park 
Carlo - It works in a similar vane the REVO Anti-theft in that it disables the accelerator. So although the car would start they couldn't drive anywhere. The added bonus with the APR is that the engine light flashes whilst it is enabled which would make them think it was fcuked. 
Cheers Carl

The flashing engine light is a good feature

Is it possible to get a reduction in your insurance premium for having the APR/Revo anti theft option?
I always inform my insurers of my mods but I always forget to mention the Revo SPS anti theft function, which could save me money

It's quite a good deterrent really and there should be a reduction surely?
What's the odds, if I call Tony at green light, that they will lower my premium?
Thing is... It's been payed in full, so I doubt they will send me a cheque

Guess its a matter of trying to remember such things before renewing the policy!