Need some advice peeps.
Lil sis inherited my 1999 fiesta, which has now rusted and rattles, and has reached 100k. Nowhere as solidly built as RedRobin's car. She's looking for an upgrade and wants to spend around
£6000. She's still keen on
hatchbacks. Gven that she drove the last one into a lamp post, it would need parking sensors either as standard or easily retrofittable.
- max 5 years old. The newer, the better.
- 5 door ideally
- diesel or high mpg petrol
- something more than 80bhp (the fiesta might only be 1.25-zetec but when I drove it, it beat my mate's new 1.4 polo).
- reliability. The fiesta, apart from the rust, wasn't too bad mechanically.
She's vehemently against a Yaris, and TBH most jap cars (feck knows why!). I'd be more happy if it was a dealer-approved model as there's some degree of comeback if things go wrong.
Am open to ideas. The plan is to make a shortlist and then test drive them all.
Any help would be appreciated!