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Bcs boys

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R32 rear end looks great! Loverly looking zorst  :happy2: but then I would be biased  :innocent:  canny wait to get mine on   :party:  bumper currently being sprayed  :party:

Powervalve Nige:

--- Quote from: kevs fr on June 05, 2012, 05:14:04 pm ---Look forward to it mate.
Did you get a sound clip?

Sent from my iPhone

--- End quote ---

Yeah - ambient road traffic and wind noise compromised the quality somewhat - but will bang it on Youtube for you to have a look at shortly.
Once again many thanks Kev

PS - still think there's a business opportunity for you tuning AR's bud  :grin:



Kev are you friends with Al McIntosh on Facebook? I was tellin him today how much better I find the BCS over the Miltek and he was quite interested.

Would be good for him to get the opinion of someone with a FL cupra the same as his  :smiley:


--- Quote from: W8 Performance on May 26, 2012, 08:35:31 pm ---Open a branch further south Nige :(

--- End quote ---

Seconded! Is a proper R32 one available? (not that I have any money at the moment!)


--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on June 05, 2012, 05:33:15 pm ---

Kev are you friends with Al McIntosh on Facebook? I was tellin him today how much better I find the BCS over the Miltek and he was quite interested.

Would be good for him to get the opinion of someone with a FL cupra the same as his  :smiley:

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Believe it or not mate I'm not on Facebook don't need the hassle in my life.
As for comparison between milltek and this bcs system for sound and looks this system wins hands down.
The other downside to milltek was price and how the system deteriorated after a couple of months. BCS has won on price and quality and looking at the finish on the system it won't deteriorate like my last milltek

Sent from my iPhone


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