picked up some eibach sportlines from another forum member along with a dv rev D;
Posted a thread on costs of fitting springs etc and got a message from klstar offering to change my springs for me - a win win, I get it done cheaper than a garage, I get to watch and learn how its done and klstar gets some money in his pocket and gets to have a sore back.
Turned up around 1ish standard hight had a smoke and then dsg steel came over to pick up one of klstars great foam lancers and will be very happy with it! (see what I did there) who was the supplier of the sportlines and the dv valve and actually ended up staying through the whole process;

(not my car but you get the image of a standard hight car)
started with one side before moving onto the next, main problem we encountered was that my ball joint was essentially seized (not hitting out even with the ball joint separator) so after a bit of rethink klstar managed to get the fronts done by dropping the shock out from the top and there was one other problem which was my fault which was putting a front spring on the rear - but a easy and quick fix!

(sorry I don't have any more pictures - I wish I did take more and with a better camera)
and then after fitting everything back and doing the other side she sat verrrry nice! couldn't be more than happier with the outcome - car is a little dirty in the pictures but you get the idea of the drop - Id love to take a photo of my car sideways on next to a oem car to display the difference more.

after a drive around the springs feel great! I only need to get the tracking done now hopefully today or if not the weekend but luckily the wheel is pretty straight so am quite happy.
Big thanks to klstar - top bloke - he really was brilliant and what he did and anyone in the beckenham/bromley/palace/croydon/oprington etc area that needs things like springs etc done he is the man to see - has all the tools and the knowledge and cannot fault any of his work - I'm also going to book myself in for a detail with him once the hosepipe bad ends

And thanks to DSG steel for supplying the springs and occasionally turning a screw

oh and they are ''dsg springs'' - noooooo issues!!