Just finised work painted workshop ready for
myour big day....lol

What can I say about your ED30??? PMSL!!!

406lbft from the the other tuners remap awesome numbers but using a spike of 1.9/2bar boost to produce it is not my cup of tea tbh. IMHO I think you was lucky to have the PVC bleeding all the boost pressure off. Maybe the ko4 would be happy at 2bar spike all day long I dont know??? But I will soon find out as soon as I buy my own TFSI to tune to the max in the name of R&D, so far in my TFSI tuning history I have only have a few "mates" cars that I could R&D and take risks to find safe limits.
I think my way for tuning linear is a much better safer option? it found you another 54bhp over a 2000rpm range.
Thanks again for your custom and feedback it all helps and make our day worth all the effort we put into very job.
Did Jim give you copy of the graphs on a CD??