First Detail on the Golf. (Starting to think this should be in the Detailing section?
After I finished washing her for the evening, next morning saw the DAS 6 and some compound to tackle the ugly swirls.
Scholl Concepts is the newest of ranges I've been trying out, pretty impressed with the results too; (S17+ used with the Hexlogic heavy cut pad on most panels)
After two passes of SC 17+, SC 40 was applied with a Green pad, alongside Poorboys Blackhole to further enhance the finish;
Thought I'd try out some Dodo Juice Blue Velvet! (A b*tch to apply and buff!)
Found it quite tricky trying to capture the swirls on camera, they were moderate, not too bad. Worse case being the roof;
(Before - left. After - right.)
Bonnet done;
You get the idea anyway!
Finished article;
(The plates were my Dads. I wanted to keep them when I suddenly lost my Dad back in February);
(Notice the ED30 / R32 lights);
Anyway, I hope that's not too boring! I just love to clean! Pictures don't do it justice, especially my phone!