Excellent video!

People using mobiles in any way whatsoever while driving is a no-no!

I saw a BMW 1 had span out today on the way home and he was still on his phone. I offered assistance with a toot-toot and a thumbs up 'are you ok?' and just got the 2-finger salute. Charming! 
....A friend of mine who is a Policeman told me about when he was riding passenger in a fully marked Police car and came up to traffic lights on red on a two-lane stretch. It was summer and in the very early days of mobile use carrying penalties. The driver in the car to his left had the window down and was on his mobile phone. My friend got eye contact with him and gave him a look which clearly said we are witnessing what you are doing but if you stop and put it away we'll overlook it this time but only because you are stationery (though not parked). The geezer looked my friend straight back in the eye and said "What the feck are
YOU staring at!!?". On went the blues n twos and the guy got the book thrown at him - They went through absolutely everything and took their time over it too.
I hate it when I notice in my rear view mirror that the driver behind me is txt-ing, even if in a traffic lights queue. I wish that vehicles (except emergency service ones) were fitted with a jamming device so that mobile phones couldn't be used while the ignition was on.