There are more sites than just pirate bay, if anything pirate bay is about 60% crap and 40% with a large proportion being viral or spoof downloads good if you do a little digging you'll find some much better sites to download and stream
at the end of the day its still an offence and the argument is that it is costing companies millions of pound blah blah blah so it is wrong but id still do it for older stuff but brand new films etc are much better in the big screen - its all about the experience and atmosphere for me 
you are missing the point. they could have blocked ANY site (which didn't contain illegal content i.e. child porn etc) and it would have garnered the same reaction for me.
how long before they block this website because we drive cars that pollute too much? that's an extreme example of where this path could lead
the idea is to send out a message - pirate bay will never actually be banned or removed the developers will simply up and leave - buy some more servers in another contry and set up the site again under a different domain and different name. Its the same for any other streaming or downloading site - everything just gets moved around and then within a few days its online again and then it takes another few years to shut it down again - look at megavideo whenever something is reported the link gets broken someone uploads a new link with a different url and then you can stream it again without any problems.
I think its a little extreme to say they will block this site because we drive slightly higher polluting cars - thats just a bit to nazi and wouldn't work because the masses of the gti community would rise and drive to parliment and park on the lawn in protest with everyone revving the engines and getting oil all over the nice green grass... but seriously it wouldn't happen - and ill wager you - if this site is closed down by government or any ISP because our cars pollute then I will eat anything you name bar anything human or sexual
you only have to look at how much damage particular hacking groups are doing to major government sites and even ISP to realise they don't have full control over content of the internet and it will never be allowed to get to a stage where the most we can look at is government approved websites so i say sit back have a cuppa tea and use a proxy