Just like when Napster went down and others rose up eg kazza/limewire/frostwire etc, the same thing will happen.
IMO it's like when the music industry claimed people copying music on cassette tapes would kill the industry. It didn't. Neither will pirating. The people who want to circumvent will do so and will find ways to do it without being detected. They never wanted to pay in the first place so will continue not to do so.

that is not nail on head at all - you're still TOTALLY missing the point.
Napster was doing something illegal. it was closed. that is fair process.
this is a case of a website being blocked. the act of looking on the website is not illegal. using the website is not inherently illegal, unless you participate in certain activities which the website itself does not force upon you.
the fact that others will pop up in it's place is also completely irrelevant.
the government is violating our civil liberties by blocking a website. provided that the content of the website is not illegal (and considering that Piratebay doesn't host material itself it doesn't have illegal content) then they have no right to block it. that's ALL this is concerned with. not the legalities downloading copyrighted things, nor a question of being inconvenienced by having to look elsewhere.
does it not concern you that you will not be allowed to view a website, when the act of viewing this website is not inherently illegal? and do you not understand the consequences of being monitored, our privacy invaded and being told what we can and cannot see? this is the first step in that direction and that's what i'm concerned with.
No, I get your point - im just disagreeing with it - the point of the matter is that there's no point getting worked up or worried about anything because what you're saying will never happen. The internet will never be censored. The people who are hugely intelligent will always provide new ways of viewing, streaming, sharing, downloading so that you or I do not need to worry about censorship or websites being banned.
You're forgetting that the large majority of what - went on with pirate bay was illegal and you could argue, like many people, that the owners of the domain and the website did not keep strict enough control on the content of the website and therefore should be shut down for allowing millions and millions of losses to occur solely because of the website. Im not going to say I don't download etc etc but lets imagine you invent a software and charge £15.00 and then you look at your bank statement one day and realise you've lost thousands and thousands of pounds because someone has uploaded it to pirate bay you'd be pretty f*cked off and you can't say you wouldn't be - you are in the literal sense being stolen from.
stealthwolf did hit the nail as he rightly said when napster - and were talking about the original napster was closed down it was relaunched under different names etc and if anything turned out better! His also right in saying even if they do close down a few more file sharing website like pirate bay - how long do you think it will be before there uploaded - even if they block a few websites - how long do you think it will be before you find out that you can use a proxy to go on that website.
Its like watching family guy and american dad online - I've seen so many websites come and go that are run by the same people uploading the same template and same layout. I could argue that I'm not actually committing any illegal activity by visiting the site, only if I choose to stream it but then the website still provides a means to commit that offence so why it fair to allow it to stay live when its costing a company, someone or people that have worked hard to produce and develop those shows and want to enjoy the money they make from their hard labour?
what your saying is nothing new, closing down websites has been going on for ages, internet monitoring has been going on for longer - every time you do anything its recorded, you leave your finger print everywhere you go - look at google - personalising ad's to your browsing habbits - for example if you go on this website and other websites all the time you'll notice halfords adverts etc etc
I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with the fact that websites are being shut down because they are or are not illegal and do or do not provide access to illegal activites - I would be a Hippocratic person to say that they should all be closed down when I use certain websites to stream online programmes etc
But in conjunction to your main point - no I am not worried, and neither should you - like already mentioned the government will never be able to actually censor the internet and prevent you from watching or doing what you want - but ill also say there should be a degree of censorship on the more serious and sick side of the internet such as child porn and other disturbing videos.
I did see