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Canon 85mm f/1.8 users - what are your thoughts of this lens?

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Any Canon 85mm f/1.8 users on the forum?

I have been offered a Canon 85mm f/1.8 lens for £175 but I am sure I could get it for £150 which against a new retail price of £300 would be pretty good value. After checking POTN and ebay it would seem the going price for a used lens over 12 months old is anywhere in the region of £200-£250 but these are boxed examples.

The reviews are promising and the sample photos on POTN and Flickr look fantastic, however as my style of photography is more landscape/travel I’m wondering if 85mm is going to be too long for me.

My Lens line up is currently
17-40mm f/4 L series
24-105mm f/4 IS L Series
70-200mm F/4 (Non IS) L Series

I did have a 50mm f/1.8 Mk1 but recently sold it due to it being a non USM and too noisy

I really want a short-mid range prime lens but with a budget of just £300 my choices are somewhat limited.

20mm f/2.8 would be a perfect prime..


--- Quote from: jonm on May 09, 2012, 12:53:21 pm ---20mm f/2.8 would be a perfect prime..

--- End quote ---

Depends on what you want to do with it.....

his style is landscape and travel... so its perfect really...


--- Quote from: jonm on May 09, 2012, 02:28:12 pm ---his style is landscape and travel... so its perfect really...

--- End quote ---

But ant has already got the 17-40 which is a great WA landscape lens, and when shooting landscapes youd never use F2.8 anyway.


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