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Canon 85mm f/1.8 users - what are your thoughts of this lens?

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I really feel the need to have at least one Prime lens that i will actually use. I looked at the 135 f/2 L series but at £899 it's a little out of my price range especially as i just bought the 17-40mm which by the way i love.

I love my 50mm 1.8 but would love a 35mm 1.8 for landscape  :smiley:

So far i have managed to kill three 50mm f1.8 lenses the most recent of which was a rare Mk1 (built 1988) metal mount which i managed to destroy by getting sand in it. Canon really need to weather seal all their lenses.

A friend has recently bought the 14mm f/2.8 L series which i feel compiled to have a play with. 


--- Quote from: Degudodger on May 11, 2012, 11:34:22 pm ---So far i have managed to kill three 50mm f1.8 lenses the most recent of which was a rare Mk1 (built 1988) metal mount which i managed to destroy by getting sand in it. Canon really need to weather seal all their lenses.

A friend has recently bought the 14mm f/2.8 L series which i feel compiled to have a play with. 

--- End quote ---

Unlucky matey  :surprised:


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