I know its the mk5 section and the wrong area for my mk6 post......sorry guys

The issue is I am not signed up on the mk6 section as it not a car i am looking to get in to tuning yet.
Next week I have a TV crew coming down to test a range of super unleaded fuels and the have told me they are using the mk6 golf 232bhp which i belive is the ED35 TSI? They want me to carry power runs out on the car and log the timing ect to find which is the best and worse super unleaded on the market, there the car will be driven by the presenter around a track to see if they can feel which is the good fuel and crap fuel.
My only issues (worry) is I have not ran a mk6 ed35 on my dyno yet and dont want to look a fool on the day when I cannot get the car into dyno mode and fully switch the traction control off.
I know the new skoda's wont allow a power run just by using the traction button, I have to trick the ecu with hazzards swithed on and pump the throttle 5 times then turn ignition on.
Do the ed35 dynos ok just by switching the traction button off? if not then does anyone know how to switch them into dyno mode?
Plus id you know anyone has a brand new mk6 gti or ed35 and are local to me who wants a free rolling road session this weekend or monday??
I have had the VW PR team on the phone today and they said they would try and get me an ed35 to me but wont know until monday.
Cheers guys