This happened to my mate a couple of years back, he started getting speeding notices coming through his door for speed cameras in London (he lives in Wigan), he went to local cop shop and told them it was not his car

as he was at home with his wife at the time and had not been to London for around 8 years, they asked him to prove it

, he then revealed he was an ex copper (traffic) and he asked them to politely do their jobs and catch the guys responsible rather than annoy him, luckily for him he has a GB sticker on the back of his car which was not evident in the pictures so told them it was quite obvious what happened and to stop sending him letters.
2 weeks later another one arrived, he just sent it back to them with the crime number attached, he actually got about 5 or 6 of them in total and returned all of them back to issuing office, it was then he got a knock on the door as the latest thing was "his" car was used for more than 5 non payment of petrol offences also in the London area, he just laughed at them and told them what was happening.
It looked like he could not stop what was happening as the police just kept sending letters to him, knocking on his door, so he went out and bought a "Personalised" reg for £500 which meant that his "Old" reg was returned to DVLA (something he was thinking of doing anyway), he got a few more speeding notices/non payment of fuel and congestion charge tickets in the next 8 weeks but as soon as his reg was changed it all stopped within a week.
Bottom line is it will only cause you grief if someone does see your plate and copies it, so for forums take it off, it lessens the risk at a minimum.