I live in Ireland and have recently acquired a 2007 gti. Just spent the bank holiday weekend in County Kerry (stunning!) with the girlfriend. We decided to shared the driving...she drove most of the motorways and I did the twisty stuff.
She's from Hiedelberg in Germany originally so maybe I should have been prepared.....
-120mph uphill at one stage (told her to calm it or she'd be in court)

- exiting toll bridges diagonally from inside to outside across 3 lanes, redlining the needle
- complaining about how badly everybody else was driving
- stating that 'speed limits on a motorway are ridiculous'
In fairness she drove very smoothly and with great awareness-plenty of indicating and glances over the shoulder, no tailgating, etc. On the way home we were stuck in traffic and she grinned and said "I love this car!".

Maybe I won't get that remap...