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engine cover removal guide?

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You should be able to remove the centre silver plastic bit to paint it if you want but the rest, as stated above, forms part of the air intake and has MAF sensor.

It is possible to remove the centre plastic bit BUT the lugs that go through are melted over to secure them on the other side.

The other side is only accesible by removing the air filter housing.

The best thing for removing the engine cover is to do it while the engine is still warm.

thanks guys
 so i can remove the plastic bit to paint over a few days if i replace the overall cover.
 and then i,ll have to refix the newly painted cover from underneath.... somehow?

thanks again :ashamed:

Just about to do the EVOM's intake fitting as it arrived half an hour ago. Garage FTW in this weather though :sad:

so i have to undo all the bits each side  before yanking and swearing.
anyone re attatched to plastice middle after they have unmelted the lugs?if so how did you re fix them/?
thanks again the help


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