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Detail My Ride - SteveP's Carbon GTD

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Thanks chaps!  :drinking:

Lovely colour and a top job. Looking forward to bringing mine down  :happy2:

Poppa Dom:
Looks great  :happy2: Thought you might have shifted the RS4 by now Nath, such a good car!

Top job on a top motor... :happy2:


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on May 07, 2012, 10:42:38 pm ---Looking stunning. Did the MF system take you as long as it took me!  :grin:

--- End quote ---

Why did it take along time Stealth?

This is the system I set on getting. It's my first polisher and from all the vids on YouTube it looks amazing for the first timer!  :innocent:

Top job Nath  :congrats:

That colour looks awesome  :happy2:

I must say, you have set DMR up  just great bud. The premises are stunning!
I bet you're loving your days at work.


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