Just for those that may wanna know
As we all know running an amp through the RNS510 is a question thats always asked
Id run all my wires down the channels correctly months ago but only up until a few weeks ago I managed to get it all sorted
Basically we ran a converter which converts the rear speakers to subs theyre still active but you share the power of them
heres a few dont really show much much if any ones got any question im happy to help

Last weekend as Players show was on our door step we thought it'd be rude not to go
I thought after maybe 2 plus years of not parking my car on the show ground id make an effort and give it some quick paint enhancement an as my friend had a some parking slots sorted we'd park together, any will get some pics up in the next few days tbh I didnt take any through the process but Il take some of the semi finsihed article tommorow
heres a pics I stole of my car of fb