General > Detailing

Detailing fashion- Whats Hot and what not?

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Hello guys

After explaining to my dad that I was planning on doing detailing next year he obviously had certain issues with it (Insurance etc) but has allowed me to do it as a hobby as he wants me in his business  :innocent:.

So over night he has become a bit of a detailing fiend himself and today he pulle out a pair of really nice Pit crew look alike overall's. I could not thank him more.

They fit perfectly and the reason I am bringing this up is because a while ago I detailed a 9 year old Audi A4 and lets just say that my brandname clothing I was wearing had to be thrown away afterwards and I was extremely angry. But so you learn. So tell me what do you guys and proffesional detailers wear when you detail cars or at least how do you keep your clothing from becoming unusuable?

And of course. If anyone wants a pair of branded overalls with the  or your own company name branded on them or ebroidered etc give me a shout and if you wants pics of them let me know. I can arrange more.

Discuss. :smiley:


That's brilliant mike  :happy2: :laugh: :signLOL:

Only you mate  :jumping:

Im glad someone sees the comedy relief in this :). When my dad pulled them out neatly packaged etc. I was like. . . . . Nooooo. Haha but after trying them on i think they quite suit me. Now. . . Heels or trainers or maybe barefoot? you choose :) haha

Gotta be heels  :signLOL: :signLOL:  :happy2:

Haha. I just chucked them in the wash. But in two weeks time im giving the gti a good detail. And will wear them and take some pics. . . . . . . Oh the horror. . . .


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