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Author Topic: Mid range tyre recomendation  (Read 13256 times)

Offline titchy

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2012, 09:17:12 am »
I was in a similar position on recommendation of mate in tyre shop I had some Coopers fitted i have to say Im very happy they are quiet grip well. I did 300 miles in pouring rain yesterday no aquaplaning and he tells me they wear well £72 each fitted balanced, bargain

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2012, 09:31:41 am »

I was in a similar position on recommendation of mate in tyre shop I had some Coopers fitted i have to say Im very happy they are quiet grip well. I did 300 miles in pouring rain yesterday no aquaplaning and he tells me they wear well £72 each fitted balanced, bargain

....Never even heard of Coopers tyres.

Sometimes there's no point in giving advice on here - I give up!

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2012, 09:40:11 am »
Don't give up redrobin there are plenty of use about who are prepared to wait a bit longer, read constuctive reviews / recommendations to get the best possible products for our cars. Well I do anyway!

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2012, 09:42:38 am »
I rate the Toyo highly and they are great in the wet, its amazing how deep puddles done even unsettle the car which in a country where its done nothing but P155 down for the last 4 weeks comes in handy
MK7 Golf R, Pure White 3Dr DSG, Had since 10/06/14

Offline Vick N

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2012, 10:31:42 am »
I've had every Performace tyre on a vast array of vehicles and for a All round tyres, parada spec II is a great choice.

Very sticky in the dry and excellent wet road holding.

My to cents worth.

Vick :happy2:

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2012, 10:59:50 am »

Tyres are my day job. There's loads of choice out there depending on your budget, but you really do get what you pay for. The 2 common complaints with the low profile, wide tyres most of us run are road noise and stepping (uneven wear usually on the inside). This is nearly always worse the cheaper the tyre. Unfortunately tyres seem to be something people cut costs on.

Nearly all of us are trying to make our cars quicker, better road holding in the corners and more importantly, under braking will do this without adding any bhp! Save the extra and get some premium rubber.

These tyres are going to be with you for around 20,000 miles, which is a lot of driving. For the sake of an extra 50 quid a corner you can get yourself in the best that Goodyear or Pirelli can offer, and make those miles so much sweeter.

Buying mid range tyres for a GTi is a bit like giving Yussain Bolt a pair of Reebok Classics!  :grin:

^^^^ What they said!

Regardless of your car's performance each tyre has a contact area with the road surface which is only about the size of a CD. Do I need to point out anything further such as about braking, grip, and cornering? - It's all you have to rely on and worth being as safe as you possibly can.

To be fair, I have no experience of Falkens and Kuhmos but it's simply not a risk I'm prepared to take. I must assume that these tyres meet the specs to be valid for insurance.

And always fit new deeper tread tyres on the rear axle as Sticky Vicky explains (specially for Ian's pleasure):

On our FWD cars the tread will wear out more quickly on the front, so I buy just a pair of new tyres at a time and move the rear tyres to the front to make way for the new ones on the rear.

Having driven my GTI over 100,000 miles I find these the best allrounder for fast road use:

I agree with what Robin has said wholeheartedly. Never scrimp on tyres.

However I always put the new ones on the front. The new ones on the back theory is aimed a bit more at the inexperienced driver, to stop oversteer, etc . I always prefer to have the newer tyres on the front driven wheels on a FWD car - just my personal preference.  I know we all have different theories on this. In all my years of driving I have never had a problem with this.


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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2012, 11:00:33 am »
Falken FK452's IMO.

Not used them on a Golf but have used them on plenty of other vehicles. Try Camskill
452's are w4nk imo. Got them on now as a stop gap as i was desperate because my mate has to order decent tyres. As i said, i was desperate, will be going t1r's or f1 assys shortly

+1, got under 5k out of a set on my vRS, I normally use Kumho and have been very happy with them, I have a dealer fairly local and the last pair I got were £150 fitted - 225/40 R18.  

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2012, 11:58:55 am »
Personally Hankook V12 Evo's or Falken FK452's are perfectly good for the money - A tad noisy on my Octavia but I think that's more a characteristic of the car to be fair...

The Hankooks edge out the Falkens in most areas but are a fair bit more expensive...

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2012, 12:35:45 pm »

The Hankooks edge out the Falkens in most areas but are a fair bit more expensive...

....Which tends to support what Ben Smith has posted:

Tyres are my day job. There's loads of choice out there depending on your budget, but you really do get what you pay for.

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2012, 02:19:54 pm »
Save up and get some r1r's  :party: stick to the road like sh1t to a blanket.

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2012, 02:46:57 pm »
I'm no expert, but from looking around for tyres myself and various forums for information, I'd say you're looking at £100 a corner minimum for anything decent. Therefore is it not better just to save the extra £25 per corner and add that to your existing budget and get something decent? Just my opinion mate!  :happy2:

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2012, 03:06:06 pm »

I'm no expert, but from looking around for tyres myself and various forums for information, I'd say you're looking at £100 a corner minimum for anything decent. Therefore is it not better just to save the extra £25 per corner and add that to your existing budget and get something decent? Just my opinion mate!  :happy2:

....And by buying in pairs as the fronts on a FWD wear out quicker, the money you have to find at the time is a bit less than it would be by buying 4 new tyres.

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2012, 06:26:13 pm »
What about Uniroyal Rainsports?

Uniroyal were a massive brand in the past. Don't hear a right lot about em nowadays, but I'm sure they are still great tyres!

£92 a corner at camskill.  Id give em a try. Darren (MortyGtdi) buys these tyres. Ask him for an opinion!

+1 for rainsports.
I needed 4 so at £400 fitted went for it.
They are serving me well and with the current wet weather seem the best description for the job!!

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2012, 06:29:42 pm »
Something which I understand from industry tyre experts is that different tyres can suit certain cars better than others. So in other words, just because a tyre has a great reputation it doesn't automatically mean it's the best for your car.

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Re: Mid range tyre recomendation
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2012, 06:32:05 pm »
Coopers are made by avon, usually last years tread pattern or very similar. Don't get me wrong, budget and mid range tyres have there place. But in my opinion its not on performance cars like golf gti's and r32's etc.