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Newbie help. What filters do i need? if any.


Finally managed to pick up a slr after wanting one for awhile. My mates dad upgraded so managed to pick up a Nikon D200 with Tamron 18-250mm F/3.5-6.3 macro lense for a good price. Had a play today with it while weather was nice. Pics seem to have turned out okay but on alot of them ive noticed sky kind of disappears, not the nice blue sky we had, just more of white.

From looking round do i need a UV filter or something? Or is it setting on camera? I have ordered a polarizing filter as was told this would help and will protect lens.

Did do a quick search but couldnt really find anything.

Your Polarizing Filter is helpful in reducing reflections in surfaces, water and glass are the 2 main ones I can think off and also darkens sky shots IMO, giving greater definition with clouds.
UV Filter are clear filters, and as I understand it (get one) absorb the UV light and also help protect your lens from dust and damage.
Skylight Filters (get one as well) are a pinky colour (I think without looking) and counter the blue of the sky. The Pink in the filter along with the blue generally gives a "warmer" looking pic.
ND (Neutral density) Filter is a great filter, my favourite, and comes in different strengths. Hard to explain but a must have, I play around with a 2 and a 8, great with running water effects (the 8, longer exposures).This explains ND Filters way better than me:-

Then colour filters etc

Try an Orange Filter for Black and White pics, not really done a lot of B&W photography but it works apparently.

More knowledgeable peeps will correct this I hope if I'm wrong

Thanks for the info  :happy2:. Where best place to get filters? I just ordered off ebay as got money left in paypal.

I can see this getting expensive lol.

Ebays a good place to pick up a decent filter, bought some from there. Personnal preference, I use HOYA but any will do, get some cheap and play around. Can also get all the filters from Jessops and any good camera shop.

Cheers, yeah may just order couple off ebay and see what i use and like. Then maybe think about spending abit more.   :happy2:


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