So has some sort of custom wiring had to be done to get them illuminated? Do the buttons work?
Custom wiring isn't the half of it mate honestly anyone thats looked at the steeering column of one of these things will maybe understand, But yes all the buttons are fully functional. we set them up as the following.
the set button- i've wired to turn my set on (headunit) without the key in the igniton so i can deo the system easy enough as it's set up for the driver and i will be in the passeneger seat majority of the time for demo.
the S (sport button) we have set to ride height also working on a timed relay circuit that will pull my bolsters in on the seats like the rs4 (all electronic) which i've wired in to work of the seat buttons but not the steering wheel yet.
The + is airride up
The - is airride down i have also flushed a safety switch into the centre console so that when driving me or anyone else can push the - sign and the car won't go down, for safety reasons obviously.

Then obviously the lighting in the wheel comes on with illumination like the rest of the dash does.