I thought i'd chuck a couple of pics up of the updates.
Here's a couple of shots of the punto now that it's complete i didnt really want to put them up before collection as the customer had no idea whatwas happening to his car and didn't want him to find some pics on the net before initial collection. But he's well happy with the end result to say the least


The amp rack is motorised from the rear bench, sorry about the sketchy pictures but everything has been trimmed right down to the seat belt clips in the b pillars. Boy does this car smell of leather lol.

And a few pictures of mine.
I've had this rear wiper delete bung for a week now and don't know wheather to fit it of hold out and grow some balls for the carbon tailgate. AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH what to do lol.

Few shots of my mate fitting my new exhaust thanks to Matt

mate shortening the reducer as it was a little big for the system

Quick shot of the car

My APR fuel pump arrived yesterday at the missus house so picked it up last night read to fit it tonight hopefully be straight forward enough.

I take i'll be fine driving the car with all the mods without a remap for a few days? Hoping to get it mapped early next week.