I was driving through Kings Lynn about 16-17 years ago, it was 2 lanes into town (30mph limit) and one was standstill the other had no cars in it so chose that lane and was pootling along doing 25mph (A royal mail postie in mail van was behind me) and out of nowhere from inbetween stationary cars in lane 1 came a teenage chinese lad, By the time my foot hit the brake he was already mounting the bonnet rolling up the screen over the top of the car and off the back off the tailgate, bizarrely he managed to take all 3 wiper blades with him!. I pulled over and got out and he jumped up and said he was OK and set off running, A woman a few cars ahead stopped him and sat him down as blood was gushing from his head, it was then that this woman decided I was speeding!

, fortunately for me both the royal mail postie behind me and the guy whose car he came from in front of confirmed I was NOT speeding and was doing approx 20-25mph, the chinese lad (who was a 17y/o student) calmed down and said it was his fault entirely and the woman drove him to hospital (about 1.5 miles away), no police were involved.
My boss was not too happy tho as I had borrowed his company car (with full permission) to go get the Pizza for lunch and I brought hsi car back with a teenager sized dent on bonnet and no wipers

9 years ago similar thing happened to me again although this time it was an adult and he was a "Coloured Gent", he just ran straight out in front of me as I was driving through Oldham fortunately for him I saw him
in time almost in time and slammed on the brakes and just managed to get him onto the bonnet and off the side of the car, he had no injuries apart from a few bruises. The police turned up and luckily for me a CCTV camera points down the street so I asked them to reveiw it (unsure if they did, but they were on the radio for 5 mins and then they were fine with me), they also breathalysed me too (0.00), that annoyed me a little tbh as I was being breathalysed for something that was in no way my fault. I asked about the dent on my bonnet and said "What happens about that?" and they said I would have to take it up with the guy I hit, fair play tho he offered to fix it and got a dent company to fix it for me (I was In a company car and did not want to claim) I think it only cost him £30 or something