My mate's mum n dad won the lottery about 14 years back (6 million it was), unfortunately it turned out like most families with the added pressure of a lottery win, they ended up divorcing and one of their sons quit his job and turned into an alky and spunked all the cash his parents gave him (they gave both lads 1.5m each), the other lad (My mate) lost most of his 1.5m in a failed business venture and now only has a 2 bed terrace house left to show for it (No mortgage).
Yes it would be great to win and we think we are not those types of people but it adds a lot of pressure.
They were also "Disowned" by the rest of the family who feel they did not get "their" share (not that it was theirs anyway) as we all know you come into money and every family member comes out of the woodwork!!
Still a nice £1100 win for you tho, spend it wisely (half on your car and half on the missus)