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Author Topic: Light Correction Detail - Corsa VXR Nurburgring finished in Auto Finesse Desire!  (Read 2920 times)

Offline RussZS

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This car was literally a couple of thousand miles old yet had already picked up some quite significant swirling and scratches, so was booked in with me to rectify this and to also lay down some firm protection on the wheels and paintwork!!

So, a few befores...

DSC06357 by RussZS, on Flickr

Pretty mucky behind the number plates!

DSC06358 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06360 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06362 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06363 by RussZS, on Flickr

Okay, so first off I dealt with the wheels, tyres, arches and brake calipers (huge Brembo's in this special edition!)

A few befores:

DSC06364 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06365 by RussZS, on Flickr

Initially the wheels were pressure rinsed with my Kranzle K7 to remove as much loose dirt as possible before making physical contact with the wheels.

Next Auto Smart G101 mixed 4:1 was used on the the tyre sidewalls in conjunction with a Valet Pro Detail brush, to degrease and release and dirt or existing tyre dressing thus ensuring the new tyre dressing can bond properly to the rubber:

DSC06366 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next Auto Smart Smart Wheels at 4:1 was liberally sprayed over the face and rear of the wheels, along with the calipers, then agitated with various brushes to safely release and dirt and brake dust build up:

DSC06368 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06369 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06370 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06371 by RussZS, on Flickr

Finally, the wheels were pressure rinsed:

DSC06372 by RussZS, on Flickr

Much better, however there was some evidence of light brake dust pitting so IronX was used to each and every wheel to ensure any brake dust or fallout was also removed safely:

DSC06373 by RussZS, on Flickr

The car appeared to be covered in a PDI wax of some sort, so a degreaser was used to begin to break this down - in the form of Britemax Grime Out.  Grime Out is a great degreaser and works very well in a pre-wash role:

DSC06375 by RussZS, on Flickr

Car covered using HD Foam Lance:

DSC06376 by RussZS, on Flickr

Whilst the Grime Out was dwelling, I worked around the more intricate parts of the car with a different Valet Pro Detail Brush and G101 mixed up 4:1 to remove any dirt caught up in between badges, in door shuts etc:

DSC06378 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06380 by RussZS, on Flickr

The stubborn dirt behind the number plates was worked specifically too:

DSC06381 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the Grime Out was pressure rinsed off and the car was hand washed with Zaino Z7, CarPro Wash Mitt and Zaino's excellent bucket system:

DSC06382 by RussZS, on Flickr

Following this, the wash suds were pressure rinsed off and the decontamination stages began.  Initially IronX was used to safely remove any fallout present in the bright white paint:

DSC06384 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06385 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06386 by RussZS, on Flickr

At this stage the heavens opened up so I have no photos of the following:

- IronX pressure rinsed to remove
- Auto Smart Tardis used to safely remove any tar deposits from the paintwork/wheels
- Pressure Rinsed again to remove traces of Tardis
- A final snow foaming used to 'run out' any Tardis or IronX from under badges etc
- Final Pressure rinse down then moved inside for claying

For the claying stage I used Auto Finesse's Soft Clay in conjunction with Valet Pro's Citrus Bling 16:1 as lube:

DSC06389 by RussZS, on Flickr

Not much left after IronX and Tardis had done their respective jobs so well!

Next the car was dried.  I used a CG Wooly Mammoth on the glass and paintwork and my Aeolus 901X was used to blow trapped water out from wheel nuts, under wing mirrors, badges etc:

DSC06390 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the paintwork, finally clean, decontaminated and dry, was assessed to see how bad the defects were, to look for any evidence of resprays and also to measure the general paint thickness. 

The paint depth readings gave a healthy average of 170 microns.

In terms of defects, the paint was in pretty bad condition given that it only had a few thousand miles on the clock!!

Surprisingly deep marks around the door handle:

DSC06391 by RussZS, on Flickr

General swirling:

DSC06392 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06393 by RussZS, on Flickr

After trialling a few combos, I settled on the new Megs M101 Compound in conjunction with Festool Rotary and 3M Polishing Pads.

Some of the defects around the handle remained, but much improved:

DSC06394 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06397 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06399 by RussZS, on Flickr

Deeper scratch on the bonnet given particular attention:


DSC06402 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC06403 by RussZS, on Flickr

Quite severe swirling was found on the passenger side:

DSC06404 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06405 by RussZS, on Flickr

and after:

DSC06408 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06409 by RussZS, on Flickr

The lights were also quite heavily swirled:

DSC06414 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC06419 by RussZS, on Flickr

After the corrective work, I finished up with:

Auto Finesse Mercury on the exhaust...

DSC06421 by RussZS, on Flickr


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DSC06443 by RussZS, on Flickr

Crystal and Dodo Juice Mint Merkin on glass:

DSC06423 by RussZS, on Flickr

Tripple on shuts, sills and number plates:

DSC06425 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06426 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06449 by RussZS, on Flickr

Mint Rims on the alloys:

DSC06429 by RussZS, on Flickr

Z9 on the leather:

DSC06430 by RussZS, on Flickr

and finally Auto Finesse's Desire on the paintwork!

DSC06427 by RussZS, on Flickr

and finally, after 8 hours or so, some afters:

DSC06432 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06434 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06437 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06439 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06435 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06444 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06447 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06448 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06454 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06458 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06463 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06460 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06465 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06469 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06471 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06472 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC06473 by RussZS, on Flickr

Thanks for reading :)

DSC06476 by RussZS, on Flickr

Russ. -

I used to be indecisive.......... but now I'm not so sure!

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Love those little VXR Nurburgrings. So expensive though!!