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Author Topic: Detail My Ride - Octavia VRS  (Read 2963 times)

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Detail My Ride - Octavia VRS
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:47:17 pm »
Hi Chaps,

The owner of this 2010 Skoda Octavia vRS contacted us following its recent purchase, as he was keen to improve the appearance of the paintwork. General overall swirl marks, marring and some RDS were present, however overall generally the car was in good straight, shape.

It was agreed we would carry out a light correction detail to correct the paintwork, it was discussed that some of the deeper RDS may not be fully removed, however the front end of the car is soon to have PPF applied, so the owner was not too fussed, overall improvement would be sufficient.

In addition to the paintwork correction, we removed each of the wheels to fully clean, decontaminate and seal the wheels inside/out, we also took this opportunity to improve the appearance of the rusted brake hubs by painting, and clean up the faded calipers.

How the car looked on arrival:

Quick shot of the wash stage, the car arrived having being recently clayed/decontaminated by the owner, so was fairly clean and required little in terms of wash/decontamination, only some light tar to remove.

Wheels certainly benefitted from some decontamination! Cleaned with Smart Wheels, decontaminated with Iron X/Tardis. Polished then sealed with Auto Finesse Mint Rims. Tyres cleaned with G101 and dressed with Car Pro Perl.

Looking much fresher:

With the wheels complete, attention turned to the tired looking brake hubs/calipers. Calipers were cleaned up with G101, polished and sealed. Hubs were rubbed down to key and painted with heat resistant enamel in black. Finished pics with final result pictures.

Once inside, dried off it was clear to see the problem we were dealing with!

After various test combos, a combination of Scholl S17+ on a Yellow 3M pad, via rotary were used, alongside Meguiars DA Microfibre system for some areas.

Once correction had been achieved, finish was refined with Dodo Juice Lime Prime via 3M Yellow pad.

The car overall read pretty low in terms of paint thickness, average paint reading was around 120uM.

Some correction pics! Note these pics are prior to refinement.




Before (LED not sun gun, it needed charging!):


A few 50/50's:



Finished! LSP used was Auto Finesse Tough Coat.

Thanks for looking! Comments/questions etc welcome!

Nathan & Gaz

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Re: Detail My Ride - Octavia VRS
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 11:55:03 pm »
The sex!

Nice work guys.  :happy2:

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Re: Detail My Ride - Octavia VRS
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 12:04:07 am »
The sex!

Nice work guys.  :happy2:

Thanks fella!  :love:

It did look rather spesh when we'd finished!  :wink:

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Re: Detail My Ride - Octavia VRS
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 12:16:09 am »
Love the finish!

Have you guys build your own sungun yet?

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