Eye for an Eye, very much agree.
Murderers and paedophiles should be shot in the head (this way their blood and organs can be immediately removed and put to good use for those who need them), Rapists castrated (Not chemically, I mean physically!, even go as far as saying lop off his nob, leave him half an inch so he can piss but thats it! ) and car thieves should be strapped in an old banger and driven off the end of a cliff.
Known gang members/troublemakers should be forced to wear a shock collar (Tazer) around their necks that knock them out if they leave the house outside curfews.
And problem kids should be dealt with like in Singapore (Violence/Graffiti/drugs/criminal damage etc) they should get whipped with a split bamboo cane a dozen times.
Would soon bring crime levels down.
Drink drivers, not sure what to do with them, perhaps buy them a bus pass, maybe that would be punishment enough