Wow! Thanks guys, you really are a helpful bunch!
Dodds-gttdi thank you so much for your kind offer, I actually went to the scrappy yesterday to grab an injector for a friends car, when i saw a golf with the newer 3D handle on!
Talk about luck...£20 !
Ive tested it and its a perfect fit, Yes it seems to poke out a little bit but its much better then the worm!
Ill post the part number a little later because its slightly different to the numbers caffyns gave me 
Spot on mate! Always a good thing when scrappies don't know what they're selling.

I got mine for £16 from Ebay.
I think there are three main types of badge for the Mk5/6 Bootlid:
-the earliest one piece version (prone to whiteworm)
-then the first of the two-piece handleswith a flat chrome VW badge (see my build thread, page 10, for photos)
-the 3D so-called badge, fitted to Mk6's. This has a bevel all the way round the 'VW' part to make it look like it stands out more. The Mk6 bootlid differs slightly as the handle is slightly lower than the Mk5's. This is to allow the RVC to be fitted and not foul on the wiper mechanism.
There are so many part numbers and revisions for the above three parts that it can get a bit confusing. I'd like to see pictures of the later 2-piece badge on an early Mk5 as that's exactly what I'm planning, although I'm going to colour-code the background of the badge before I fit it.