C'mon Robin, it would be a waste to have all your mods and not take your car on a track to fully utilise them. 
....I don't agree about my car's mods being "a waste" - They may be a waste for you and many others, but not for me - The car doesn't have a brain that's capable of differentiating whether it's being driven on a road or on a track and so all it's suspension and brakes etc etc are still given a healthy and enjoyable workout. I prefer not to drive any vehicle at its limit in any circumstance - I keep the car's limits beyond my own driver limitations. Judging from my many passenger rides on track I think I would get bored by the repetition of laps in an often featureless landscape. I love the ever changing dynamics of a road journey.
I've been driving a new supercharged S4 Avant this week and have been having a huge amount of fun on the roads without driving dangerously, and that's obviously a car with much more power than my GTI and also with quattro+sports diff.