My ED30 is now 4 years old so had the
BIG service done, my Cambelt/water pump and major service done a week ago and also got a PCV from the VW main Stealers, PCV £35 ish (£15 for gasket which may be required, not in my case). Also bought the Revision D Diverter Valve from Awesome gti, £53, as my main dealer was
ADAMENT that I did not need one and even if I did it should be the Revision G (fitted the DV myself). After reading a thread on here only 2 weeks ago had VW change the Fual filter, £21. Seemed silly not to after 50k miles. Guess what, VW also told me it did not need replacing, only on the soot chuckers.
Forgetting the cambelt, water pump and service and parts the extra labour worked out at 1/2 hour for PCV and Fuel pump.
Have I noticed any difference, not really! Believe all the parts I changed (as a preventative measure before adding more power) were all still absolutely fine.