Now your non the wiser like I said you would be. You have to get it mapped for that turbo. Had you gone ko3 diagnosis would be easier.
I want to get it mapped though? Of course I need to
So you spend x on getting it mapped, to which they cant map it due to problems x, y and z. Wasted money.
You ask whats could be the issue with your car now? possibly the map.
Had you gone ko3, maps not the issue, turbos fine, injectors are not causing it, all the pipes you changed dv relocation kit isnt to blame. Leaves a smaller area to troubleshoot.
Its all IMO. My job is based on Systematically resolving complex issues and to me this is all backwards
Fingers crossed how ever after a few miles all your problems are sorted and a map gets you back on your feet.
Yeah but what if everything just goes fine after a few miles then that's success it's a gamble really, yeah your right I could have put everything back on again but what if the fault is still there? That would mean I would have to revert back to k04 setup ALL over again including what ever needs fixing on top and at this moment I can easily sell of the k04 as a faulty one if this new turbo solves the problem, just got to drive and see now
If you had gone back to ko3 and issue was still there you would have eliminated a great deal of possible causes.
I understand your thinking with another K04 but to me % wise you have a better chance of a resolution with a standard (or where you started) situation rather than spending money on more items that originally caused the issue.
Only way to be sure now is having a map put on it, which could be a waste of money on your part and time on the tuners part.
i.e if i mapped my car and it was making noises, i wouldn't replace the fuel pump because i think that's the issue, id remove the map and log the car.
Either way is a option just imo you had a better chance of a resolution going the opposite way.