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What format should the Calendar take? Vote please

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Hello again guys.

Please take the time to vote. Here is the link.

Voting is for 5 days and to satify Joe  :nerd: I have allowed you all to see the results.  :wink:

Happy voting once again.


**Im feeling very democratic lately**  :drinking:

i chose the second one, basically because you live so far away and wouldnt be very practicle.

you could set up a thred and make it able to be downloaded, this way you could keep some kind of track of how many people have them  :smiley:

I dont think printing them would be such an issue.

I am certain there are members on the other forum and maybe here that would be willing to print them. I would supply everything. All they would have to do is give the pics to the printers and say print in a desk calendar. And obviously whatever profit as small as it would probably be would go to whichever member took the time and printed them to thank him for his efforts.

Hurdy actually suggested a digital format last night which is why we figured holding another vote would be good.

Thaks for voting Joe and I will def take your idea into consideration. In fact I have a computer programmer that could be able to put it into a downloadable Zip folder or something.


how about putting it on a webpage, then everytime someone downloads it a counter would go up, this way we can see just how many are going to people, also would be very easy to advertise on other forums with a simple link to click,

would have been good to have it as as then it could give a bit of free advertisment and draw some more people in.

hope you understand me   :jumpmove:


First off. I dont have money to pay for a website. And although Im certain I can build one its unfortunately not practical although in theory the idea is good.

Secondly. Joe.... You not the most complicated person to understand  :driver: and I get what you are hinting at here. But as I said in PM form to you a while ago. Unfortunately as much as I would love to put this forums website on there I cannot. The calendar originated on the other forum and it would simply cause issues.

However I will PM JV (The owner of the other forum for those that dont know) and ask him how he feels about having our website name on the calendar. If he is happy with it and Steve is happy then I will include it. Nice comprimise.

My idea for the digital version is:

You have the digital version available as a download. You place this download as a sticky in the MK5 general area/ MK5 area as a sticky on both forums. This will allow people to download it. When we have launched the calendar what we can do is go onto the other forums (UKMK5's, Vortex, Club GTI, Biali Sport etc) and make posts there with links to the sticky containing the download.

That way other forums can use the calendar, and both forums can get good publicity. Whats your opinion on that?



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