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Would you ever get your MK5 valet parked?

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Top Cat:
Yes, as long as i could sit in the passenger seat.  :innocent:

When you mention valet parking, I'm so reminded of the film Ferris Bueller's day off...


--- Quote from: bacillus on November 18, 2008, 09:57:24 am ---When you mention valet parking, I'm so reminded of the film Ferris Bueller's day off...

--- End quote ---

I dont think I would to be honest, only if I really had to! Don't get me wrong the MKV GTI is a well respected car but I dont think it is quite worthy of being valet parkedĀ  :happy2:

i was "stateside" in april, we went to a really nice japanses in brentwood, its near malibu in california.

Valet parking is obviously the norm there, so we didnt think anything of giving the guy the keys and walking away from our beast (dodge somethin or other with a big V8, all bark no bite)

We thought the guy must park hundreds of expensive cars all day, then crunch...

...he ran right into one of those concrete bollards, those BIG kerbs they like to use in the states.

he scratched all the bumper, but the rental company couldnt care less! we paid another 20 dollars or so for cover against that.
the car had about 1500 miles on it!!


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