that wasnt my take on the reason. i took the following :
above x psi the wastegate is opening to a small or large extent before its even reached a point where the boost should have been bled...
therefore at all points in the rev range whilst under boost there is potential bleed through the wastegate that hasnt been requested by the ECU......
in theory the stronger actuator prevents any bleed , thereby spool is much faster and all flow is controlled by the ECU and N75 rather than constantly having a x psi bleed as part of the equation....
if your car doesnt bleed psi then this mod isnt gonna give you any gain BUT
if it does (and it appears that most K03 cars do!) then it will give you a gain.
It remains to be seen whether VW improved the design for the K04.
remember the way the the OE DV has been changed
1. VW design fails in OE and tuned applications
2. Forge produce a replacement
3. VW eventually come out with a DV that solves the situation that may even be better than the original forge solution to the problem...
please correct me if Im wrong
