Put it this way, an RS4 has always been in my top 5 and usually the first..........
But after using one for the last few months i'd have to say it's probably dropped off the radar completely. The sound, although awesome just isn't as fruity and noisy as I'd have hoped, even with the sport button pressed ALL the time. I certainly wouldn't consider one as a daily as buying is one thing, running is another all together.
And I was genuinely getting between 24 and 27 mpg if I took it steady. Obviously a few spirited bursts would soon see that very north of 20mpg. And thats not sales bull$hit either!

And as for the cabriolet, I'd steer well clear as they just do not feel as rigid as the saloon and the scuttle shake is quite alarming on badly surfaced roads (so most roads then). And compared with a mapped K04 they feel a bit on the sluggish side and you really start to feel the extra weight they lug around.
I must say though, the Misano one I had made me weak at the knees when the sun shone on her!