Hello Robin,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. This weekend was my first non seven day work week in over two months — a much needed rest!
Thanks for a very thorough and well documented review! A few small clarifications and comments:
1. The UNIbrace XB is .187" thk. Only the UNIbrace UB is .25".
2. Was the additional sound resonance you were hearing only when the rear seats were folded down? This would make more sense as the entire hatch then becomes a resonance chamber.
3. The comments that were referred to about the deep nuts or studs breaking have only been when people over torque the nuts. The instructions are very clear: "snug the nuts up, then another 1/4 turn with a 6-8" long rachet." I would also add that blue loctite can also be of benefit. This will stop the nuts from backing off.
4. Your analysis of the spacers and resultant forces on the studs is correct. Many people assume that since the studs look thin that they are not strong. This is not true! Steel is very strong in tension! The UNIbrace UB is very stiff. If the brace is properly positioned and the nuts properly torqued. The resulting forces on the studs is as as you mentioned, in tension.
5. Generally, most exhausts do not need the spacer kit. The general guideline is that if there is a resonator in the mid pipe and it is not larger than 4"Ø you will likely not need the spacer/deep nut kit. From my experience to date only the base non turbo Golf, the UR downpipe with it's HUGE tilted elliptical resonators and a MTM for the Golf R are the only ones that absolutely required the kit. In the US not that many people use the full Milltek, so this may also have to be added to the list. The spacer kit is rather inexpensive so if in doubt it is a useful insurance policy.
Hope this answers people's questions.
....Hi Bruce and many thanks for your clarifications and information - My original review post has now been amended accordingly.
Although the UB is inevitably being discussed, I haven't fitted and experienced the UNIbrace UB yet and so my review is currently incomplete but will be updated and expanded in due course.
Re your point 2 on additional sound resonance, to date I have only tested the UNIbrace XB with both seats down. I now need to go back to that same stretch of road and test the XB with one seat up and then both seats up. I already know that I never experience any resonance with my seats down and no XB fitted. If my tests/trials result in resonance whenever the seats are down, then it will be reasonable to deduce that the XB acts to transfer sounds in a similar way to how aftermarket engine mounts do. In basic terms, sound is vibration and so what we would be hearing is, in a sense, the UNIbrace XB doing its job of transferring energy > vibration > sound.
I personally enjoy and love the
Grrrrr sounds from my VWR engine mounts but the sound I heard from the XB was very unexpected and not a pleasant surprise at all - I would have to include it in my list of minus points. But l will firstly have breakfast and go off and test the subject on the same stretch of road (easy with a roundabout at each end) before making judgements and writing more.
It goes without saying that your time and input here is greatly appreciated by all, not just by myself