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UNIbraces XB & UB - Review (UPDATED 23rd Oct)....

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thanks for posting up robin, just wanted to double check  :happy2:

Here are some alternatives to the UB but they have totally missed the point that UNIbrace Bruce has understood so well and that's the structural 'X' factor:

Still nobody wants to do my test?


--- Quote from: RedRobin on August 01, 2012, 05:58:03 pm ---However, in chatting to John Hurdy who has years of trackday experience and who doesn't hang about when the conditions are safe, he reckons that the XB did nothing for his highly modified Ed30. It's difficult to understand because the XB has done a lot (unexpectedly) for my GTI.

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Was his a 3dr or 5dr?


--- Quote from: sub39h on October 25, 2012, 05:47:27 pm ---
--- Quote from: RedRobin on August 01, 2012, 05:58:03 pm ---
However, in chatting to John Hurdy who has years of trackday experience and who doesn't hang about when the conditions are safe, he reckons that the XB did nothing for his highly modified Ed30. It's difficult to understand because the XB has done a lot (unexpectedly) for my GTI.

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Was his a 3dr or 5dr?

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....IIRC, a 5-door like mine. Are you thinking that a 3-door bodyshell is stiffer than a 5-door and therefore may be less beneficially effected by UNIbraces?


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