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UNIbraces XB & UB - Review (UPDATED 23rd Oct)....

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What test is this?


--- Quote from: richwig83 on July 18, 2012, 03:58:23 pm ---Still waiting for those shots of the under-brace, proving that it does pull the chassis straight...

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Basically jack the car up from either side (one side only) just in front of the rear wheel from the sill. Try to fit UB... if you can fit UB no problem then its not working.  :happy2:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 26, 2012, 10:18:49 am ---
So if they are so brilliant.... why isn't half the forum using them?  :popcornsoda:

Ill await your test results.  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

....The vast majority of the forum aren't using UNIbraces for a number of reasons, not in order of importance:

- They're not free!

- Not everyone wants to modify their car's handling (for a variety of reasons).

- Not many people like having a lattice girder (XB) dividing their load space when the back seats are down (even though it's easily removable and is excellent at retaining loads in place).

- Many trackday freaks have either got a roll-cage or a car which a UNIbrace doesn't fit or is of benefit to.

- People prioritise their purchases as they individually prefer and many prefer to go for only looks/styling or remap and exhaust sound and to hell with brakes and handling mods. (Nothing wrong with that).

As with all mods for the Mk5 GTI and its stable mates, you don't actually need them but they do further enhance your car in different ways.

Btw, I'm not intending to do your actual test as you describe it but to try to find answers to the question you have raised about "pulling the chassis straight" - I don't have either the tools or a pit to allow me to get under the car and I'm not paying someone to do it just for your test no matter how many delicious Scotch Eggs you give me!

In that case then....

Forever a sceptic...



--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 26, 2012, 11:19:25 am ---
In that case then....

Forever a sceptic...


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....So are you saying that your mind is set in stone and that I shouldn't waste my time trying to find an answer for your 'pull chassis straight' question?


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