afternoon all. After being let down by soo many people who are interested in buying my car i finally hear from someone who sounds genuinley interested and half decent. We agreed on a good price, but i had 2 more people coming to look at it the next day to which i said if you want it i will need a £50 deposit to take it off sale which will be forwarded to the guys car i will be buying, he said no problem as he definately wants it. Anyway for some reason he sends a £300 deposit, ok no problem i sent that straight away to someone with an audi s3 i want so he could take it off sale. Ive booked the day off work today so i can drop the car off for him and arranged someone to book a day off work so they can take me to collect my new car. Today has arrived and all of a sudden he isnt interested anymore

and can he have the deposit back when i have the money for it as he understands its gone to someone else. Now i know i could of sold the car to one of these guys so i rang them both and just my luck they have bought one this morning, so im frantically ringing people up who have been interested in the past because i idealy could do with a sale today. Anyway ive been given an offer a few hundred less so i might go for it but i will now be £300 out of pocket. What would you guys do? im not a theiving git but at the end of the day number 1 comes first and i want whats best for me, i think if i sent him £150 back thats very reasonable, any comments?