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Author Topic: Golf R CDL engine code, is it FSI or TSI? Engine swap from AXX to CDL possible?  (Read 49787 times)

Offline gazon69

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Uh oh, you've gone and done it now :scared:

Offline Tfsi_Mike

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Actual tears of laughter Tom.  :grin: After 14 hours of power point presentations I thank you.

Seriously does you Mum know you have gone and bought a car.  :chicken: I have been reading all these daft threads for weeks now and it has got to the point were i cringe with every new post.

Stop what you are doing

Put the keyboard and engine parts down in front of you and take 3 or 4 paces back. Have you not noticed in your life that things seem to go wrong (quite often ).
Your problem is not with the engine or the turbo, it is you who needs fixing. You just ploughed into engine and turbo upgrades with zero knowledge and no research whatsoever. You need to stop asking questions and actually read up on what you are trying to do so it can be planned properly. Your just fumbling around trying fix things you don't even know are broken, and convince yourself it will be alright because you think you can sell bits on again. 
here is a little analogy of you so far.

Hey guys bought a pair of shorts but you lot all seem to wear trousers. Can i just attach the bottom part so mine are the same as yours.

Yes you can, but first have a read up on the best way to do this, take em off and get someone who knows how to attach the new bits.

OK guys i think its gone wrong. I bought some second hand material off the INTERNET ( the guy said it was perfect ) stitched them on but they seem to be stuck together at the bottom and i cant walk. If i cut them off can i use them again or should i buy a skirt.

Take things back to as they were before you messed around and take them to a seamstress who knows what and how to attach them.

OK guys bought a new set of shorts and material gonna try again if my legs don't come out of the bottom when i try them on does this mean they are broken or is it just the zipper jammed.
Right forget the shorts i am going to just buy some trousers. Does anyone know if i should by slacks, flares or just jeans.  :stupid:

I am sorry if this sounds harsh but you really do need to get a grip of how you process information.  Every choice you make seems to be completely wrong.  :happy2:
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 09:24:44 pm by Tfsi_Mike »

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Thats a nice car in your sig PND. Real Nice colour there.
If it's not broke, Mod it.....

Silver is the way !

Offline PND

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Thats a nice car in your sig PND. Real Nice colour there.

Cheers buddy! 

..and it's got its original engine in it.  :wink:

Offline Sammy

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The golf R engine isn't a straight swap.

The golf R engine is a straight swap.
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Offline Dan.b

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How can you be sure having not done it though  :happy2:

Offline markymark

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The golf R engine isn't a straight swap.

The golf R engine is a straight swap.
So is a sex change...but that won't work either!

Offline chowgar

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sammy's threads....

better comedy than big brother :grin:

Offline RedRobin

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The golf R engine isn't a straight swap.

The golf R engine is a straight swap.

So is a sex change...but that won't work either!

.... :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: 

How do we know that Sammy isn't a Samantha?

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The golf R engine isn't a straight swap.

The golf R engine is a straight swap.

So is a sex change...but that won't work either!

.... :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: 

How do we know that Sammy isn't a Samantha?

How do we know your not a wierd retired grandad throbbin
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sammy's threads....

better comedy than big brother :grin:

....Anything is better comedy than Big Brother!

Sammy's threads have now certainly reached the heady level of mental entertainment  :grin:

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How can you be sure having not done it though  :happy2:

Because people have said it will and they know what they are on about do you? I don't think so
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Offline Sammy

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You lot are childish men turning a thread asking a simple question to crap like this grow the F up!!!
GTI MK5 with all the gooodies

K04 power going on soon!

Offline gazon69

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How can you be sure having not done it though  :happy2:

Because people have said it will and they know what they are on about do you? I don't think so

Offline RedRobin

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How do we know your not a wierd retired grandad throbbin

....Everyone who has met me knows that I am both weird and retired. But I'm not a grandad yet.

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