For you, Demon Tweeks (Wrexham, all though I have never been there myself so am not speaking from experience) and get them to fit the lot or source the various parts on the interweb and then get a specialised place (such as Demon Tweeks etc) to fit.
Do a search on here re Maps, Zorst and other bits and loads of stuff on everything you need to know d will give you a few ideas on different manufactures you may not have considered.,33.0.htmlMaps, the big boys are Revo, APR, Bluefin and some great indies, many of them are forum members.
WHOLE section on here just about tuning.
Milltek are great systems, also have a look at Blueflame, Scorpion, APR, BCS and jetex.
Dump valve (the Diverter Valve, Revision D is the latest version, piston type) and can be bought anywhere inc. Stealers for about £50.
Oh and welcome to the forum! Get some pics of your new purchase up ASAP!!!!