So I'm driving to work this morning and i usually go down a country lane and because of the rain the lane has overflooded. Anyway it didn't look that deep so i drove through, subsequently after the car starts reacting funny.
The issues I'm suffering with is the biting point seems quite high now and does seem to lift off as smooth as it did prior to going into this large puddle.
After work i started the car (which started 1st time as always) however the car would not go in gear for 10 minutes. I decided to turn the car on and off and it went to gear straight away no crunches or issues whatsoever. I still have the issues with my biting point being higher and lift off not being as smooth as before. I was wandering if somehow some water has gone in the clutch? The clutch wasn't on its way out before this incident.
Any thanks would be greatly appreciated