These threads always make me laugh.
When someone posts a thread up about little runts breaking into our homes, scaring our families while taking the keys to the car, we get 5 pages of thats terrible but the police wont do anything pal there too busy pulling us for our illegal plates.

I wholeheartedly agree with Robin's assessment of what is going on in this thread.

If you've got nothing to hide, why try...
....Exactly!! It's really that simple. However, if you have a bad attitude towards the Police it's an opportunity to feel you are scoring points against them - Though a somewhat futile and pathetic opportunity.
If you disagree with a law it's pointless taking it out on those who do the job of upholding the law. In my many decades of roaming this planet I have occasionally broken the law and done so knowingly, and I also have had friends who are known criminals, but I still have a great respect for the Police and recognise all the many good things they do. So I always cooperate, particularly when a suspect in a very nasty murder investigation (Eve Stratford).
yes if you've got nothing to hide then i agree it shouldn't be a problem
but the flip side of the coin is if you've done nothing wrong the police shouldn't be bothering you
I know you do long hours in A&E but have you not mixed with modern society lately. How are the police going to distinguish between criminals and humans. The criminals don't wear a hat saying i am a criminal or run round with a bag saying SWAG on it.
It is unfortunate and uncomfortable for those who get caught up with crime prevention but for me it is a small price to pay if it means the police can possibly catch some of the scum who live
within our society.
And as for DP_ED30 i can imagine being shocked and slightly bewildered by the events, but in my opinion your attitude to this event stinks. Why would you need to go diving for your phone as you say, if you know it is all just a mistake, then why not just relax and let the process run it's course.
And as for those in this thread who say i would not assist the police by giving them my details. Then as far as i am concerned you have far to high an opinion of yourself. Do you really think you are to important to be bothered by our Police force. Tut tut tut.