Goodwill is done on a matrix system and here's how it works
°does the car have full dealer history? Yes/no? If no does it have dealer history since the current owner has owned the car?
°age of the car if it's over 6 years old your get nothing, if it's between 5 and 4 years 4 and 3 years etc etc....
°mileage of the car
Now if the car is over 60 k and over 4 years I doubt your get anything, it's general wear and tear I'm afraid.
Goodwill is based purly on customer loyalty, I used to get all sorts of people coming in with 2004/2006 plate cars with 80k on the clock demanding Vw pay towards the costs of the repair for a gearbox.problem that have no vw history! It annoyed me when they all a sudden appear when something goes wrong asking for help when they haven't been loyal to the brand,
Now it could be worth speaking to vw about it but your be very very lucky to get anything with the age of the car (millage depending) and we used to just discount the job ourselves without applying for goodwill, it saves time and hassle to just reduce labour and parts costs

Hope this helps