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Author Topic: ADVICE/HELP - engine coolant temperature changes with heaters  (Read 998 times)

Offline nezquick

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Last night was a funny drive, went to tesco to fill up and upon starting the car it just did that nenenenenenenenenen...nenenenenenenene... noise when your try start your car and it doesnt fire up (you know the noise i mean) then after another go it started which I thought odd enough (but may help someone diagnose this) so after about and hour of driving the needle was at nighty, then I had a quick smoke with my mate (so barely 5-10) minutes with the engine off and hopped back in and took off.

I noticed the needle was already lower than 90 and thought that was a quick drop, but didnt think anything of it, anyway when the needle went to 90 i put the heaters on and the needle started to gradually go down, when I put the heater onto high it dropped a lot quicker and rested at the quater marking on the coolant temperature gauge, I then put it onto low (v.cold) and the coolant gauge started to creep back up slowely but when I turned the heater off It went back to 90!

Performance wise it felt ever so flat compared to the drive before (but wonder if that's just one of those effects where I was thinking something was broken etc) no coolant light etc just this wierd drop in the needle.

Anyone had any experience or know what it could be, im a practical kinda guy with the car so would rather carry out the work myself before having to take it to a mechanics so even if its change this sensor or this hose or that sensor ill give it a try  :happy2:


Oh I will post some vagcom results tonight - ill run a scan first and then do some logging

Offline john87

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Re: ADVICE/HELP - engine coolant temperature changes with heaters
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2012, 09:52:11 am »
The starting issue may have just been a coincidence, but it sounds to me like either the temp.sensor has failed, or there's a cooling issue... i.e. loss of coolant or failure of water pump, but please stand by for a more professional judgement from another member  :happy2:
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)