mintex 1155 pads 
I love the camskill description...
"MINTEX 1155 Fast road (if you drive like you stole it!! )"
Haha yeah I've seen that. They are realLy good pads, fitted them as a stop gap until I could source some 450 Pagid blues/yellow but was so impressed with them it's all I use now.
And they are only 220 pounds for my 8 pot calipers. Result
Said before ...half price but two thirds the wear rate.
With my new found corporateness I've got the Mintex racing pad factory under the floor of new HQ, always thought it would Be a good idea to have a mini meet there and show people around.
Would be great to hand over some pads to somebody they made themselves in the presses. Keep meaning to make some 8 pot pads in Mintex F2R and give them to JC to keep him quiet for a bit, he's already saying the 362mm kit's not big enough!
If anybody fancies a racing brake pad factory tour and can get a few interested people together let me know.