Well this really hasn't been updated for a while, not a lot had changed due to house and work commitments. It had just been being used and abused as a 12K a year daily
Had just got a driveway sorted on the front of the house so I could start washing my own car again, and was Re-finding the love for the car and wanting to tidy it up a bit.
Got myself some new buckets and grit guards

Then my luck changed when parked up in town, when someone reversed in to it as I was getting out of the car.
Was a loud bang but only cracked my rear bumper and popped it off the bracket at the back.

He missed the space next to me by quite a lot!!
Luckily the guy was happy to pay for the damage so it was booked in to be repaired. While it's booked in the tired and now quite rusty front wings are being replaced and the whole front end re sprayed to sort out any stone chips and mismatches of paint.
Before it went in for paint treated it it some new brakes : )

Plans of changing wheel colour and further paint in the summer depending on money available. Should be looking much tidier for the summer

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